Our Expertise
Our scientists have experience developing a wide range of formulations for ungual and transungual delivery. Through our proprietary performance testing models, we can help you develop a product designed for regulatory and commercial success.
MedPharm’s unique ChubTurTM model is a proprietary static cell, specifically designed for measuring permeation and penetration through hard tissue such as nails. Our experts also developed the TurChubTM model for measuring anti-microbiological activity through hard and soft tissue.

Our Solutions
MedPharm’s performance models allow us to mitigate risk and accelerate development times for sponsor programs. We provide the necessary knowledge, services and tools to understand the different conditions that can affect each project in order to develop an exceptional formulation that is stable, safe and compliant.
Check out this case study to learn how MedPharm’s TurChub helped to expand marketing claims for a nail fungal treatment.