In each case, MedPharm has delivered product and project-specific solutions. Our scientists can develop unique and proprietary in vitro models as supporting evidence for our clients.
These models are simpler, quicker and more cost-effective when compared to risky and expensive clinical trials.
Questions MedPharm scientists have been challenged with include:
- Will it wash off if the patient goes swimming and will it stop cross-infection?
- Do both types of formulation absorb through the pharynx?
- How will nail varnish impact absorptions of our antifungal treatment?
- Can the product be abused if inhaled through the nose?
- What is the mucoadhesion of my formulation and is it influenced by tears?
- Can we create a new product with improved mucoadhesion?
- Can you develop a formulation and demonstrate it is more effective than the competition?

The strength of our scientific integrity is such that clients want to co-author publications with our experts to enhance the credibility of their data. Clients use this data to support their submissions to regulatory authorities, broaden their marketing claims and educate key opinion leaders about the benefits of their product.